A 1932 review byKristján Albertson This rough Google translation provided for background information only and has not been vetted for accuracy.
Halldor Kiljan Laxness: O thou true vine. Reykjavík 1931.
Halldor Kiljan Laxness: The bird the beach. Reykjavik, 1932. One autumn day really come two people in the country in a small fishing village. Helpless girl, Sigurlína Jónsdóttir, with illegitimate girl child in tow, Salka Valka. They are on their way south, but the mother so sick and out of money that she can not go any further. They get hold of one lodges, with Goni people, and it is so then live there. Their life is discussed, it will be operation history, the current, which reflected in space, summer and winter, Delta with Axlarf earth lágkúrulegt village with choppy fjord between high 'mountains. He introduces a number of struggles of a working-poor spirit measurements, which have their alt under two powerful forces: the fish in sjónuin and Bogesen merchant in every fish, as the country is coming, "but life "every individual in the space- Iru complex with wisdom and full accounting detention. But in the latter part of the story- AR is a new strong player for document-Anna, namely people themselves, act-unions, kaupfjelagsskapur, Bogen-sen hröklast away and new people take to fjefletta almennig a mandate from people themselves. But somewhere far out in favor of the future new structure and better practice foraiþýðuna on Óseyri with Axlarfjrð. This story has Laxness, first-from Icelandic poets, created a large, many men, the effect of a strong and unusual live view of the terms and culture, life and well-being of the poor in Icelandic fishing. It is impossible to do a short article for further running this long, eventful history… declaring that all would be worthy the forces and contrasts in nature and culture Hjerting completely applicable. But the two main character must mention, that the human descriptions are the most beautiful and deepest Halldor K. Laxness in the works, and that rather poetic value. Sigurlína in Mararbúð is large and holdugiir female, Nied breykst l)! waded IIG breint heart, simple, prefer small, helpless among human others. She was born to be loyal and the administration, doomed to drift from person to person, poor and despised,raise their children in free play and have incomes have recourse except by faith in frefsara father. She is one of the person-the of the spoken words in mountains speech: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Sælii-CRU pure in heart, for they will see God. "She can not own purposes by kent though Steinþór Steinsson, poet and nonsense, Baldur, passion-full male" scare off her all- Christian thoughts and forced out Lien himself was an angel of God, so that it may not even come into a relationship with Jesus, her Savior, since he came. "Because she has not "created the world", as and she answered his girls, who kids call "hooker Daughter" by therefore despises his mother. "Fíuð controls my life and my heart, "said her mother." He has made me a womanizer natural character and Jeg do not get stripes we built. When Jeg the child, then opposed to my own common sense and niíiium own will, but I just Jeg twist he will of God and my baby grumbling-ture-free. "She shows patience what it is made of, as long and energy permits and believes that god "no drifting away from its advertisement colors, being replaced by his apart-Chrome heart. "So drink it sjer on the shore-State one winter evenings, its power is empty. She milks the cow evening as she is accustomed to, understand for milk for the milk and then do not ask for her till dead optimizing. But when she went under the cow with a milk pail, then cow "lick her on the shoulder and even the cheek, "because she loved the woman. This goes Salka Valka thinking about when her mother is disappeared. Maybe had cow lick on her shoulder and all the way up on the cheek, before she left. And when the little girl began to think about her mother's cheek and the rough cow tongue, then she got a throat and said-ist'm going to go. "This final goodbye to the other's life-came loose woman is one of many small-Master of bearings consist of destiny description of the story. Salka Valka is made of other materials and Rugged but her. She grows up, big and healthy and fönguleg from childhood susceptible to masculine Wizardry quantities, but a strong will and mikillát. All the shame and suffering, the child have had to suffer for the mother's life wife, has mature in her strong urge resistance and independence, but Life nervous in her veins and lonely-ent desire awake in her chest. She cancels love æsknvinar, which disappears own place in the world, been educated young agen gins Communists, who comes to turning space to the new faith these is described in several aðdáanlega-iirum sections, which take place in gróandan-of the spring, on lágnættisgöngum the fjord, while birds fly of the deep and eider is on the shore.
Salka Valka has acquiring person, which she loves and Hut-eyes that she wants to live. But become a leading activist in the village, Ovid níðanleg wanderlust takes him, and the girl is tragic time as hero, wants not keep him confined, encourages him to go and give him spent all their trip. She settles rock on the beach and look after ship carrying boyfriend off, it's fall, and she is backFarfuglarnir are run, "by are just a few wing width, been substantial sea gulls gliding, birds winter-differential, they are the same, which nests their eggs in the nude vertical Directors in the spring. "Thus ends the story. Neither of these women is an exceptionally-ent person, they have a strong subjects ling symptoms, but are rather typical than theoretical. The unstable, a simple woman who lives on the dastard, of because it is too weak and too of-were available, thousands of his own kind. The poor girl, who is so health ordained and strong, mentally and physically, If she blows a man who is her subordinate to discouragement, is grown in the professional second setting it - if the can not keep him, because bringing her election and the environment have done to make it to the it is and will be: the poor girl - She has the same story as many others. What makes these two books unforgettable is not unusual practice nje exceptional temperament, but only snild poet as Halldor Kiljan Laxness - it is neither English Story nor local dramas, wherein we may find in such close and perfect kvnni the people in this story. Expressive and the whole look, practice their In large and small, the innermost, artful-Astana sensitive that stirred the prob-troubles and soul - everything is Hjerting described by the acuity skygni, the sensitivity, the intuitively, so strong lífsblæ, of so fjölkunnugri narrative art, to these character descriptions are unique in a book-Mentis were. Halldor K. Laxness is a great poet. His gift to describe, either the external world or the soul man thinks and feels, not time 'in literature were also in undnu matter, as his mind is fertile and his style of wealthy living. - He described human proves and a deeper and deeper knowledge of all their character than any other íilensk poet, he has done any fate large coat everyday space to a strange place in existence-a rich poetic feeling andgreat art. And though his book hurt Orientation flawed. There is a doctor in town, hjákátlegt idiots, idiots. The Portraits is a yeast-óboðleg keeper, not a nice njeíróðleg in any way but nje understandable that the story heal anything the doctor has no faults skrípalegur tender-Freedman. Then the test locally, the is nothing but hypocrisy, false-mode in and svíðingsskapurinn. He is a nice description, but who recognizes this character that Icelandic priest? A young priest taking over from him, tedious fool. Liina only of over-stjettarfólki history, that mental Coat features of his character, the Bogensen trader, but only in the first half. The latter part is like poet sees eft'r these vulnerabilities her, and now the old man incomes unless fraud and defraud along suddenly become ridiculous in front mu. He is allowed to have a ordinance to tip up to the women with his staff, "in order to make skrgga from uni, the alt would be in words,he gave orders about his alt women, it was a wool pants Then sjer, because, as he said,would not have that crafty to their A women ID fish wash. "Then there are the childrenmerchant at a young age, full of hciinskulegum arrogance to the poor-ana, which is nothing but blueberries novel fabrication. Son price then boasting fart, good for nothings and glutton daughter drinking pigs and flu, which infects all men who come near it.Much of this specification, the above-stjettarfólki a small Icelandic marine space, of course, could stand another Blueberries are an exaggeration and falsity, where priests who hate and hate capitalist author chilling stream sjer at its greatest.When the son Bogesens kicks in sea-operated corpse of Sigurlína in Mararbúð,to access from the mud Vella know her and then looks "Fast-isolates "around, then to resist the thought that poet let the boy do this alone-vation because he is a merchant-son.Whatever else can be said about one- individualfeatures of thedescriptionof these people, then ismadecertain,by making l'ulltrúa yfirstjettarinnarin the village. Thispatchwork ofhumansolvents, from-Arroganceorbófum, thestoryloses generalvalueneutral,andsannorð seriousdescription of theIcelandicfishing village. And similarlydecreasesthe value ofits theextremeandlieto Lys-recognizesthepublicin the village. BecauseoftheshoulderÓseyriBay States "auðvaldsf pervadesarrangements'', then mustpaintmiserythere andmentionthatalllooseófrýmlegast, -Thatthoughtseems to havebeen at the top thepoet'smindthroughouthistory. Citizen tourists comingashorefrom theStrada-tourboatrunbythe children them andshouting: 'Ishalldrink slurryfrom thecliffsthere,ifyou giveme amud'', andthe second the storySitaseveralchildren yardand"ate shit." These arepeople's perception ofelected members and peopleknown toLieutenantof the City Structures:"He hadaroundcategory men whowerereputedhætttulegri butthe pirates,theywereblueas Hel, as usuallycalledBolsa Tonightsheet,andmany hadthe luigmyndtheywill not workon twolegs,butfour.GodGudmundurJonssoncalledthebola, the henevernicknamedmennje creaturesandsaw nohumorin it New HFFcall them "Bolsa." inthis vein There are manypagesthathave nothing Skiesseriousnovelwriting,but preferablylessleadershiparticle in"mirror-balance".
KiljanHalldorLaxnesswas still morepoetthanhe is,ifhe wasthegeneroussjerto wearnothing buttheir novels poet, as he is everywherewherehis storyisthe fairestand affectedmost, - thestory, which, with theiradvantagesand disadvantagesandwill be head achein Icelandicliterature.
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